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Home > Default > Microsoft OneDrive/SharePoint and Teams Training Sessions
Microsoft OneDrive/SharePoint and Teams Training Sessions
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Here are the links and passwords to access the recorded training sessions for OneDrive/SharePoint and Teams.


Topic: Microsoft Teams 101
Date: Jan 17, 2023 12:46 PM Central Time (US and Canada) 
Passcode: 5u+Svnz?


Topic: OneDrive and SharePoint 101
Date: Jan 17, 2023 09:45 AM Central Time (US and Canada) 
Passcode: m&rM&B4v



Topic: OneDrive and SharePoint 101
Date: Jan 10, 2023 12:47 PM Central Time (US and Canada) 
Passcode: na%E0p#R



Topic: Microsoft Teams 101
Date: Jan 10, 2023 09:44 AM Central Time (US and Canada) 
Passcode: !E%e6@l%



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