1. I have a new employee/intern/volunteer starting soon. Do I need to put in a new employee ticket for them if they need an email?
Yes! Any new person that needs a zoo email address needs a new employee ticket located in the IT help desk. Please put it in at least 5 business days before their start date if they do not need zoo-provided tech (computer or cell phone), and at least 10 business days if they do.
2. Do I need to put in an exit employee for my employee/intern/volunteer?
If they had a zoo email address and/or zoo-provided tech, then yes.
3. I have a question for IT- do I need to submit a ticket?
No. We are happy to answer any question you may have. However, if you have a request for an item or need work done, then we require a ticket.
4. Can I reply to emails sent from the help desk?
No. Any emails that are generated to you by the help desk are no-reply emails. If you reply to a help desk email, it will not get to IT. Please comment or reply in your ticket in the help desk portal.
5. I need some help with the A/V in a meeting space can I request someone to help at my meeting?
Yes. We would be happy to help set up or show you around the room, but we need to be notified at least 5 business days before your meeting so that we can make sure our schedule is clear for you.
6. What is the link to the PII (cybersecurity) website?
7. Can I use a personal computer to access the zoo's network and work that way?
No. It is strictly prohibited for anyone to use a personal device on the zoo's network. The only exception is for cell phones on the Wi-Fi 'LincolnParkZoo", and using the BYOD selection that pops up.